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Filoteia - São Francisco de Sales
O Banquete do Cordeiro - Dr Scott Hahn
Reflexões Espirituais - Salvador Canals
The Substance, um filme surpreendentemente Católico?
Ladainha da Confiança
Ladainha da Humildade
Ladainha de Ódio ao Pecado
Ladainha do Amor de Deus
Novena das Rosas - Santa Teresinha de Lisieux
Ato de Contrição
Ave Maria
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria Patri
Pater Noster
Pequena Rotina Diária de Oração Vocal
Signum Crucis
Veni Sancte Spíritus
Notes on the Bible
Day 1 - Creation
Day 2 - The Fall
Day 3 - Noah's Ark
Day 4 - The Flood
Day 5 - Tower of Babel
Day 6 - Trust in the Lord
Day 7 - God’s Covenant with Abram
Day 8 - The Surrender of Abraham
Day 9 - Sodom and Gomorrah
Day 10 - Hagar and Ishmael
Diário de Lectio Divina
Multiplicação ou partilha dos pães?
Synthetic Runway Image Dataset
A Markov process has the Markov Property
Academic markdown with citation-reference manager
Action Policy is a function that returns an action given an state
An AI Agent is an entity that can observe and act autonomously
Assistolia Fetal
Avoid python loops when Pytorch functions are available
Batismo de crianças
Bellman Equation express a value function
Building a Linear Regression Model
Classification vs Regression models
Convolutional Neural Networks
Data sets divide input data
Deep Learning Jargon
Deep Q Network (DQN) uses deep learning to do Q-learning
Discount rates reflect timing and risk
Discounted Cash Flows is a way of valuing an asset
DQN training doesn't rely on expected outputs
Epoch is a training cycle in model training
Epsilon-greedy dictates the action of the agent during training
Full text-search
Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
Good code has good comments
Hash Collision
Hashcash is a proof of work algorithm
How can machines learn?
How to sync Obsidian iOS with Google Drive
Information Hiding
Lectio Divina
Loss functions
Markov chain is a markov process
Markov Decision Process (MDP) is influenced by decisions and stochasticity
Markovian text generation
Matrix multiplication
Moravec's Paradox
Motives of Credibility
Multi-writes may cause a system to transition to an invalid state
Mutations are not random
O uso de cloreto de potássio para eutanásia em animais é inaceitável no Brasil.
One dollar today is more valuable than one dollar tomorrow
Operations with tensors of different ranks use broadcasting
Overfitting is a failure of model training
Pre-trained model
Pytorch tensor is a fast array for GPUs
Q-function is a value function approximation
Q-learning is the process of finding the best possible Q-function
Quality metrics for estimators models
Regression Analysis
Reinforcement Learning
ReLUs are used to introduce non-linearity in neural networks
Replay Buffer register what is happening
Residuals is the difference between the predicted value and actual value
Sessions vs JWTs
Sigmoids are used to ensure the value is between 0 and 1
State Machines
State Transition Matrix maps states transitions according to actions.
The head is the top of the neural network
Train-Test Split
Transfer learning
Weights and biases are the paremeters of a neural network
Why the earlier layers don't require many changes in fine-tuning
William Lane Craig
Filoteia - São Francisco de Sales
O Banquete do Cordeiro - Dr Scott Hahn
Reflexões Espirituais - Salvador Canals
The Substance, um filme surpreendentemente Católico?
Ladainha da Confiança
Ladainha da Humildade
Ladainha de Ódio ao Pecado
Ladainha do Amor de Deus
Novena das Rosas - Santa Teresinha de Lisieux
Ato de Contrição
Ave Maria
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Gloria Patri
Pater Noster
Pequena Rotina Diária de Oração Vocal
Signum Crucis
Veni Sancte Spíritus
Notes on the Bible
Day 1 - Creation
Day 2 - The Fall
Day 3 - Noah's Ark
Day 4 - The Flood
Day 5 - Tower of Babel
Day 6 - Trust in the Lord
Day 7 - God’s Covenant with Abram
Day 8 - The Surrender of Abraham
Day 9 - Sodom and Gomorrah
Day 10 - Hagar and Ishmael
Diário de Lectio Divina
Multiplicação ou partilha dos pães?
Synthetic Runway Image Dataset
A Markov process has the Markov Property
Academic markdown with citation-reference manager
Action Policy is a function that returns an action given an state
An AI Agent is an entity that can observe and act autonomously
Assistolia Fetal
Avoid python loops when Pytorch functions are available
Batismo de crianças
Bellman Equation express a value function
Building a Linear Regression Model
Classification vs Regression models
Convolutional Neural Networks
Data sets divide input data
Deep Learning Jargon
Deep Q Network (DQN) uses deep learning to do Q-learning
Discount rates reflect timing and risk
Discounted Cash Flows is a way of valuing an asset
DQN training doesn't rely on expected outputs
Epoch is a training cycle in model training
Epsilon-greedy dictates the action of the agent during training
Full text-search
Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
Good code has good comments
Hash Collision
Hashcash is a proof of work algorithm
How can machines learn?
How to sync Obsidian iOS with Google Drive
Information Hiding
Lectio Divina
Loss functions
Markov chain is a markov process
Markov Decision Process (MDP) is influenced by decisions and stochasticity
Markovian text generation
Matrix multiplication
Moravec's Paradox
Motives of Credibility
Multi-writes may cause a system to transition to an invalid state
Mutations are not random
O uso de cloreto de potássio para eutanásia em animais é inaceitável no Brasil.
One dollar today is more valuable than one dollar tomorrow
Operations with tensors of different ranks use broadcasting
Overfitting is a failure of model training
Pre-trained model
Pytorch tensor is a fast array for GPUs
Q-function is a value function approximation
Q-learning is the process of finding the best possible Q-function
Quality metrics for estimators models
Regression Analysis
Reinforcement Learning
ReLUs are used to introduce non-linearity in neural networks
Replay Buffer register what is happening
Residuals is the difference between the predicted value and actual value
Sessions vs JWTs
Sigmoids are used to ensure the value is between 0 and 1
State Machines
State Transition Matrix maps states transitions according to actions.
The head is the top of the neural network
Train-Test Split
Transfer learning
Weights and biases are the paremeters of a neural network
Why the earlier layers don't require many changes in fine-tuning
William Lane Craig
Academic markdown with citation-reference manager
Academic markdown with citation-reference manager
Nov 26, 2024
1 min read
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