Genesis 37; Job 27-28; Proverbs 3:25-27;

Commentary on Genesis 37

Jacob loved Joseph more than this other children, and gave him a long robe with sleeves. Joseph’s brothers hated him because he was favored, and they became resentful.

Joseph has two dreams, that indicated that he would reign over his family, and his brothers hate him more because of this.

Jacob sends Joseph to where their brothers were pasturing the flock. The brothers start plotting to kill him, but Reuben says to not kill him, and instead, throw him in a pit. After this, some Ishmaelite/Midianite traders were passing by and Judah suggests selling him as a slave to the traders, and they sell him.

The brothers tear his clothes apart and dip them in goat blood, and deliver the robe to Jacob, deceitfully, not telling what happened.

Commentary on Job 27-28

Job swears that he’ll not lie, and that he is innocent, and that he doesn’t feel any guilt inside him.

In chapter 28, he gives a long speech about wisdom, and compares it to precious medals, but says that none of the precious metals are comparable in their value to wisdom. Connection with Proverbs 3:13-15 which says similarly.

Job finishes by saying that only God has the way to wisdom, and has revealed it to men: Wisdom is the Fear of the Lord and departure from evil.

Commentary on Proverbs 3:25-27

Do not be afraid when the wicked sow the results of their wickedness; Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to do it.